If you’re after a child’s bike seat to fit onto your own bike then I highly recommend the Do Little bike seat. The Do Little bike seat is a mid-mounted bike seat that attaches to the top tube of your bike frame. This compact seat is simple to fit and extremely durable. The Do Little bike seat is able to carry toddlers up to 6-7 years old, 1.4m tall to a maximum weight of 28kg.
My partner bought this for our little girl and she has been using this since the age of 2 years. Whenever we go cycling, he has the duty of carrying her on his bike because:
1. He is taller than me and can fit her between his arms,
2. He is a much better rider than me and,
3. He likes cycling up hills and I don’t!
We have been on several bike rides as a family around Tauranga and around the country. We have cycled around Taupo and most recently cycled along the mountain bike trails through Rotorua’s Whakarewarewa Forest. Our little girl loves being on her Do Little as she is able to experience all the thrills of being on a bike.
Benefits of the Do Little bike seat:
- Compact and lightweight, fits on most mountain bikes
- Child sits in the same position as you and shares the same view
- Child feels secure and safe between your arms, and no chance of falling off the seat as the foot stirrups keep their feet in and not jump out
- You can easily have a conversation with your child while riding
- Child feels like they have control as their hands are also on the handle bars
- Child can easily hop on and off as there are no straps to fasten
You can see it in full action here (cycle around Gordon Carmichael Reserve):
We love our Do Little bike seat and would highly recommend anyone to get this if they enjoy cycling together as a family.
For more information about this bike seat, please visit their website.